Elder Abuse Litigation (Financial/Isolation)

Elder Abuse:

Too often in today’s society, elderly people are taken advantage of or abused financially or physically by unscrupulous and evil people. Each year hundreds or thousands of the elderly are abused, neglected, and exploited. Many victims are people who are older, frail, and vulnerable and who must rely on others for help. Abusers of the elderly are often family members, friends, neighbors, caregivers and even strangers. Often the elderly have their assets stolen without their knowledge by someone they trust. Many times the elderly are victims of the undue influence of others and they lack the ability to resist pressure and even threats made by devious and deceitful people. Many times abusers purposefully isolate elders from their family and friends and brain wash the elders with false information in order to carry out their exploitations.

There are remedies available to fight against and stop elder abuse. Often, litigation is required to stop the abuse, to protect the elderly and recover that which is theirs which has been wrongfully taken or stolen by abusers. Sometimes the abuse is not discovered until the elder has passed away. There are legal remedies available to the aggrieved indirect victims of the elder abuse, including those that have been disinherited from their rightful inheritance.

Trust Litigation:

Financial elder abuse often leads to abusers seeking to disinherit rightful family members of an elder or the elder’s chosen beneficiaries and having themselves made the beneficiaries of the elder’s trust. Sometimes the elder’s trusts are destroyed by abusers and replaced with forged new ones benefitting the abuser, or the abusers put such pressure on the elder that the elders involuntarily change their trust in the favor of an abuser. Many times it is an unscrupulous family member, neighbor, friend or caregiver that carries out these nefarious plans at the ultimate cost to other family members who are only concerned about the wellbeing of the elder. At the Law Offices of John M. Beall, we take a personal interest in correcting injustices that have occurred using the full extent of the law.